ronald bard@ronniebard

If people are a where of this endng disaster if man made then can e stopped as people are watching
2013.08.12 23:15

ronald bard@ronniebard

The signs of natural disasters s are all around us now. earth changes occurring more frequently the before heat spike are unusually high
2013.08.12 23:16

ronald bard@ronniebard

For example Marilyn Monroe was not a suicide or accidental death se was killed but thats different story
2013.08.12 23:18

ronald bard@ronniebard

Tese are signs of natural disaster. I am not a conspiracy person I look into them and see my feelings
2013.08.12 23:18

ronald bard@ronniebard

There are weapons that are not being able to detect y radar and human eye thats a fact
2013.08.12 23:19

ronald bard@ronniebard

I gave information which is available online.about but for some reason not on Japanese google search according to translator
2013.08.12 23:22

ronald bard@ronniebard

I feel tepco was hero people and Japanese government moved best way possible for the situation and people should e grateful for efforts
2013.08.12 23:27