ronald bard@ronniebard
Negative results to there bodies and risk for there families and you
2013.08.12 23:29
ronald bard@ronniebard
Those tepco workers and management and govt people stayed at there own risk and continue to do so knowing that overexposure may cause
2013.08.12 23:29
ronald bard@ronniebard
Norht Korea had display of missiles and shooting towards Japan I said many times before this would happen
2013.08.12 23:30
ronald bard@ronniebard
The last display as kinda diversion looked like North Korea shooting dudes. What was methodology behind that???
2013.08.12 23:43
ronald bard@ronniebard
There are weapons that go undetected by radar and can not be seen by human eye but awareness can prevent this from happening
2013.08.12 23:44