ronald bard@ronniebard
Why you may ask its because the world is watching and these weapons can be detected when identified
2013.08.12 23:45
ronald bard@ronniebard
Once identified proper actions can be taken.
2013.08.12 23:46
ronald bard@ronniebard
Prayers and intention can change natural disasters we have seen this throughout history mans ntention
2013.08.12 23:47
ronald bard@ronniebard
and prayers parted the sea it has been written for centuries
2013.08.12 23:48
ronald bard@ronniebard
Why did alarms go off the other night in Japan of course science will explain a mechanical problem because there was little to no effect
2013.08.12 23:49
【和訳】なぜ、警報は日本で別の夜から行ったか? もちろん、効力にほとんどがなかったことを、科学は機械的な問題について説明するでしょう。
ronald bard@ronniebard
Although it looks like I am saying two things at one time the truth is simple both can occur same time or one can appear to be the other
2013.08.12 23:51
ronald bard@ronniebard
Keep prying today Ill look for japanese to translate the words and will be back with report
2013.08.12 23:52